Besides singing and writing music I’m also an active vocal coach. Check it out:

Metal factory

The Metal Factory is the world’s first metal music education, hosted at Dynamo in Eindhoven. I’m honoured to be part of the Metal Factory team as vocal coach, besides awesome musicians and teachers like Ruud Jolie (Within Temptation), Rob van der Loo (Epica), Johan van Stratum (VUUR), Stef Brocks (ex-Textures), Danny Tunker (Alkaloid, ex-Aborted) and Bart Hennephof (ex-Textures).

The Metal Factory is an awesome place to be if you want to build a career in music, with a focus on metal! And from school year 2020/2021 on, we’re accepting international students and giving all lessons in English. Clock on the button below for more information!


Private coaching

I also teach privately at my home in Eindhoven on Monday evenings. Zoom lessons are also an option, provided you have a good microphone and internet connection. 

Are you interested in booking a lesson with me? Please fill in this intake form.

What can you expect

love teaching! I’m totally convinced that anyone, with the right amount of passion and hard work, can learn how to sing in any style there is. If I’m to teach you you can be sure I’ll do my best to make you feel totally comfortable to explore your instrument. I will give you tools and tricks to make the most out of your voice, and ways for you to hold on to that new knowledge so you can sing with confidence and focus on the emotion of singing! I specialize in classical singing, as well as metal, rock and pop styles.

My singing background

How does my singing technical background look like? For the past twenty years I’ve been working hard to improve my technique and learn more and more about the human voice and its possibilities. I have classical “singing roots”, having taken private classical singing lessons for about twelve years with amazing coaches like Mexican baritone Oscar Martínez and Dutch tenor Harry Ruijl. After moving to Holland I’ve expanded my knowledge greatly by immersing myself into modern techniques like CVT and the Estill Voice Method. And I had the chance to raise my vocal skills to an even higher level by following the Universal Voice Master course in Amsterdam.

Certified universal voice teacher

I have the honour of being one of the first Universal Voice Teachers graduating from the Universal Voice Institute, founded by Alberto ter Doest in Amsterdam; his Universal Voice Guide is the most practical and useful singing method I’ve ever encountered! 

Master Teacher Button

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I'm very active on social media and would love to hear from you! You can find links to all my channels here below. Follow me on your favorite network and stay up to date with all my musical happenings!