Aires de desesperanza,
de esos que erizan la piel,
te empujaron a la caverna
donde te has ido a esconder.
Porque el ruido del mundo
se ha apoderado de ti;
y sólo en brazos del silencio
es que tu voz volverá a resurgir
para calmar la soledad,
y romper esas cadenas que
te arrastran
al fondo de un mar de pena
y melancolía.
Bajo del azul profundo y
sus olas que marchan sin fin,
se esconde una flama que nada
ni nadie puede extinguir
Deja atrás la soledad
y rompe las cadenas que te atrapan
y emerge de esa oscura prisión,
que el sol te espera.
{Winds of despair,
the kind that make you shiver,
pushed you into the cavern
where you’ve come to hide.
Because the noise of the world
has taken control over you,
and it’s only in the arms of silence
that your voice will be able to resurge;
to calm your loneliness,
and break those chains that
drag you into the bottom of a sea
of pain and melancholy.
Under the deep blue
and its waves, that march endlessly,
hides a flame that
no one or nothing
can extinguish.
Leave your loneliness behind,
break the chains that trap you
and rise from your dark prison
for the sun is waiting for you.}